Upcoming services and events -September 2019

September is looking to be a busy month at St Ninian’s! Everyone is welcome to join us for any of the services or events listed below over the course of the month:

  • Sunday 1st Sept: 10:00,  full Holy Communion service
  • Sunday 8th Sept: 10:00 Taizé style service with Holy Communion
  • Sunday 15th Sept: 10:00 full Holy Communion led by Bishop Anne for St Ninian’s Day. The congregation of St Clement’s will be joining St Ninian’s on this day., and Bishop Anne will formally licence people (from both congregations) for their lay ministry roles at this service. Everyone is welcome to join us for a bring and share lunch after.
  • Sunday 15th: 7.30 pm Talk titled ‘Immersed in Creation’ by the eco-congregation chaplain, David Coleman, followed by time for questions and discussion. We shall finish with a short service of said Compline.
  • Saturday 21st Sept: 14:00 BBQ at St Clement’s for everyone from the congregations of St Clement’s and St Ninian’s as a farewell to Nick event. Will be bring and share.
  • Sunday 22nd Sept: 10:00 All age service with Holy Communion (Nick’s last service at St Ninian’s.).
  • Sunday 29th: 10:30 Service of the Word led by Léon.