
St Ninian’s is a church that celebrates its community feel and encourages the mission of all the congregation. To find out more about people in specific roles in the church read below.


The Vestry assist and co-operates with the Clergy in matters relating to the spirituality of the congregation (amongst other responsibilities). Vestry members are also “charity trustees” of the charity comprising the Charge.

The current Vestry members are:

Vestry Secretary – Elizabeth Herlihy

Treasurer – Vacant

Lay Representative to Synod – Jaime Buckingham

Lay Representative to Synod – 

Elected members

Anne Keenlyside


Elizabeth is our Secretary, she takes the minutes of vestry meetings amongst other responsibilities. She is also responsible (with Anne) for Protection of Vulnerable Groups. Jaime is the St Ninian’s Lay Representative to Diocesan Synod. Anne is an elected member of the Vestry and is responsible (with Elizabeth) for Protection of Vulnerable Groups.

Lay Ministry

We have a large lay ministry team at St Ninian’s (around a third of the regular congregation) who help during the service by doing readings, leading the prayers, helping to serve Holy Communion, set up for the service, take the offering and be in charge of coffee, tea and cake at the end of each service. There is a weekly rota (issued each month), but we are a church where people don’t hesitate to step up and do something if it needs doing.