Sunday Services

10am Sunday morning –  Holy Communion service following the Scottish Liturgy 1982 (‘the blue book’).

We welcome families and children’s activities are provided. St Ninian’s has a congregation who love to sing, and hymns range from the ancient to modern and are accompanied by a wonderful piano. After taking Communion or receiving a blessing, members of the congregation have the opportunity to light a votive candle, a valued tradition in the congregation. The sharing of The Peace is enthusiastically observed between all members of the congregation from the youngest to the oldest. After services we share fellowship with tea, coffee and often home baked cake. There are frequent Bring and Share lunches (at least once a quarter). We are proud of our reputation of being a welcoming church and serving good coffee. 

There is a 3.00pm (monthly) Service at a local sheltered housing complex: Lord Hay’s Court. This service is co-led with a local Church of Scotland minister, follows the liturgical calendar and features worship and socialising time for residents. 

The church is not just active on Sundays, for other activities during the week see Groups.