All posts by Jaime Buckingham

Together while apart

Due to the continuing lockdown, we are sadly unable to meet in person. However we still have virtual worship and fellowship in place as a way to be together while we are apart:
  • St Ninian’s coffee and chat on Zoom each Sunday is an opportunity for us to talk and support each other as a congregation. These are at 12 noon each Sunday continuing through February. Please see the facebook page if you would like the link.
  • Weekly online services:
From the Scottish Episcopal Church across Scotland every Sunday at 11am:

From the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney every Sunday at 10am: 

  • We will still be sending out a monthly newsletter. If you want to share any news, a thought, a prayer, a way of coping with lockdown, please email or message the facebook page

Services after Christmas

Following the government’s announcement on mainland Scotland moving into Tier 4 on Boxing Day, the Vestry and Ministry Team have decided to suspend services from Boxing Day. Although services are allowed, we want to act on the side of caution.
The Christmas Day Service will go ahead as planned, 25 December, 10.30am, a service of Holy Communion, lead by Rev. Kate. After that, there will be no services until further notice.
We will, however, have virtual arrangements in place:
  • We are starting a St Ninian’s coffee and chat on Zoom each Sunday as an opportunity for us to talk and support each other as a congregation. These will be at 12 noon on Sundays from 27th December and throughout January. The details of how to join have been emailed, or feel free to  email or message the facebook page if you need the link.
  • Weekly online services: From the Scottish Episcopal Church across Scotland every Sunday at 11am:
  • From the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney every Sunday at 10am:
We will still be sending out a monthly newsletter. If you want to share any news, a thought, a prayer, a way of coping with lockdown, please email or message the facebook page.
We look forward to seeing you on Christmas day

Upcoming services

We are delighted to welcome you back to in-person services of Holy Communion at St Ninian’s. Everyone is welcome to our services being held at 10:30am every other week on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month (and 5th Sunday where there is one). Upcoming services are:

29th Nov – First Sunday of Advent (Service of the Word)

13th Dec – Third Sunday of Advent (Eucharist lead by Rev Kate)

25th  Dec – Christmas Day Service lead by Rev Kate

27th Dec – TBC

Welcome back to services at St Ninian’s

We are delighted to welcome you back to in-person services of Holy Communion at St Ninian’s. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a familiar face or are new to Aberdeen it will be wonderful to see you.  We will be having services at 10:30am every other week on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Upcoming services are:

26th September- St Ninian’s Day
10th October
24th October

The Diocese has made a video explaining new social distancing and hygiene measures you can expect to see in churches which can be viewed here.

Please also note that, due to the need to create the necessary distance between household groups within the church, we currently have a much smaller capacity. We may sadly have to stop letting people in once that capacity has been reached. This is obviously not something we want to do, especially in such a friendly and family-like church as St Ninian’s, but we must follow the regulations and keep everyone safe.

Upcoming services and events -September 2019

September is looking to be a busy month at St Ninian’s! Everyone is welcome to join us for any of the services or events listed below over the course of the month:

  • Sunday 1st Sept: 10:00,  full Holy Communion service
  • Sunday 8th Sept: 10:00 Taizé style service with Holy Communion
  • Sunday 15th Sept: 10:00 full Holy Communion led by Bishop Anne for St Ninian’s Day. The congregation of St Clement’s will be joining St Ninian’s on this day., and Bishop Anne will formally licence people (from both congregations) for their lay ministry roles at this service. Everyone is welcome to join us for a bring and share lunch after.
  • Sunday 15th: 7.30 pm Talk titled ‘Immersed in Creation’ by the eco-congregation chaplain, David Coleman, followed by time for questions and discussion. We shall finish with a short service of said Compline.
  • Saturday 21st Sept: 14:00 BBQ at St Clement’s for everyone from the congregations of St Clement’s and St Ninian’s as a farewell to Nick event. Will be bring and share.
  • Sunday 22nd Sept: 10:00 All age service with Holy Communion (Nick’s last service at St Ninian’s.).
  • Sunday 29th: 10:30 Service of the Word led by Léon.

A Congregational Conversation – Sunday 2nd September

On the 2nd of September we are having a ‘Congregational Conversation’ in place of our usual service. This is a chance for the congregation as a whole to talk about topics effecting us as a church, including our future as we prepare to welcome a new Priest.

We will have a short communion service starting at 10:30am followed by 2 conversation sessions, separated by lunch, and will be finished by 3pm. Please bring your own packed lunch with you.

Everyone is welcome to the service, including visitors and people joining us for the first time, and you are invited to stay for more of the day if you would like.